State nodes can have tags, which are string terms that help group or categorize the state node. For example, you can signify which state nodes represent states in which data is being loaded by using a "loading" tag, and determine if a state contains those tagged state nodes with state.hasTag(tag)
const feedbackMachine = createMachine({
id: 'feedback',
initial: 'prompt',
states: {
prompt: {
tags: ['visible'],
// ...
form: {
tags: ['visible'],
// ...
thanks: {
tags: ['visible', 'confetti'],
// ...
closed: {
tags: ['hidden'],
const feedbackActor = createActor(feedbackMachine).start();
// logs true
Tags and TypeScript​
You can strongly type the tags
of your machine in the types.tags
property of the machine setup.
import { setup } from 'xstate';
const machine = setup({
types: {
tags: {} as 'pending' | 'success' | 'error',
// ...
states: {
loadingUser: {
tags: ['pending'], // Strongly-typed
const actor = createActor(machine).start();
// Autocompleted